Benchmark against peers
Easily compare your RBI score against those of over 17,000 companies. Our platform offers a comprehensive market overview, showing how your reputation stands against peers in any operational region.
Polecat leverages predictive AI to analyse billions of data points from news, social media, and events in real time, giving leaders a 360 view of their business and the world at large.
Our Responsible Business Intelligence (RBI) Index transforms complex data into a clear, quantitative score from 1 to 100. This score acts as a vital KPI, enabling stakeholders throughout your organisation to measure the impact of their strategies and gauge public sentiment effectively.
Visualise changes in your RBI Index score in real-time, allowing you to pinpoint and assess how specific events influence your company's public perception and operational risks.
Easily compare your RBI score against those of over 17,000 companies. Our platform offers a comprehensive market overview, showing how your reputation stands against peers in any operational region.
Distinguish between "Unhealthy," "Neutral," and "Healthy" coverage to understand shifts in public sentiment.
With over 17 years of AI expertise, we ensure that each data point’s relevance and authority are meticulously evaluated. This approach not only clarifies the current landscape but also explains its significance, enabling proactive business responses.